Reporting vulnerabilities
If you encounter a vulnerability or security breach while using the App we would like to know about it. You can report this by sending an email to
Guidelines for reporting a vulnerability
To make reporting a vulnerability a smooth process, we have established some guidelines
Notify us as soon as possible by sending an email to and leave your own contact information (email address or phone number)
Try to give us as complete a picture as possible of how the vulnerability came to light and what preceded it. Include any URLs, screenshots and other relevant information. This way we can easily reproduce the problem
Do not share the information with others
Do not copy, modify, delete or otherwise tamper with the data you may have encountered
If you have obtained unauthorized access to our systems, do not share this access with others and make it clear to us how you obtained this access
We will always keep a natural report confidential. If your report has helped improve the security of our software, you can expect a small token of appreciation from us.